See how your Business and Home can save thousands of dollars on your electric bill with NO OUT OF POCKET COSTS TO YOU through our exclusive COMMERCIAL AND RESIDENTIAL SOLAR PROGRAMS!
Since 2012
Lower your energy bills!
Go Green Energy Specialists, Inc., is New Jersey's premier Energy Efficiency company that assists small commercial businesses, non-profit organizations, and homeowners in reducing their energy consumption, lowering their energy bills, maximizing their energy savings, increase their profit margins and generate income.

SAVE NOW while New Jersey’s solar incentive program is still in effect giving us the ability to install your solar system without any out-of-pocket cost to you.
Solar & Engineering
SOLAR: From 5KW to Megawatt arrays GGES’s team will provide Financing for both for-profit corporations, Non –Profit Institutions and homeowners, engineering, high-quality components including Bloomberg rated Tier 1 modules, expert installation, and process all necessary permits, interconnection agreements, and TREC applications.
ENGINEERING: Professional Engineers provide and certify the building and electrical designs and provide the necessary roof inspections required.
Financing & Procurement
FINANCING: For-profit corporations GGES will secure either a Lease, Loan, or PPA (Power Purchase Agreements).
For Non-Profit institutions where the tax benefits cannot be utilized our alliance with our Funding partners offer PPA programs that offer savings up to 50% on current electric rates and ownership in 16 years, not the traditional 25 years.
For qualified homeowners, GGES will secure either a LOW RATE LEASE or for ownership a LOW RATE .99% Solar Loan.
PROCUREMENT: Large volumes of components at discounted prices are passed onto the client.
PERMIT/UTILITY/TREC APPLICATIONS: Our management team stays on top of filing the necessary applications and follows up on the approval process for a streamlined, no delay, installation process from Site Visit to Commissioning of the system.
INSTALLATION & FINAL COMMISSIONING: Our expert team is comprised of certified solar installers with proven track records to complete the installation from beginning to end of the process.
Solutions Designed Specifically for Small and Midsize Businesses and Non-Profits
- $0 Down
- Pay Only for Electricity Produced
- Free Removal at End of Term
- No SNDA or Roof Lease Required
- $0 Down
- Custom term-cash positive
- Custom payments-cash positive
- No building lien
- No pre-payment penalty
- Fast, no-hassle credit approval
- Transition renewable energy certificate (TREC)
- 26% tax credit
- 1-year depreciation
Solutions Designed Specifically for Homeowners
- $0 Down
- .99% rate
- 20-year term
- Low monthly payments-cash positive
- No pre-payment penalty
- Fast, no-hassle credit approval in minutes
- Transition renewable energy certificate (TREC)
- 26% tax credit
- Low Average Monthly Payments
- Pay the Same Amount EVERY month
- Avoid Large Electricity Payments in the Summertime
See how your Business and Home can save thousands of dollars on your electric bill with NO OUT OF POCKET COSTS TO YOU through our exclusive COMMERCIAL AND RESIDENTIAL SOLAR PROGRAMS!


Using the power of the Sun and
clean-burning Natural gas to provide
- On the cutting edge of energy efficiency, providing off the grid solutions leading to energy independence -
For the past four years, GGES has studied and analyzed over 100 establishments and has created a microgrid solution including Commercial Solar, LED lighting, Custom EMS controls, air destratification fans which increase HVAC efficiency, and microCHILLER/CHP technology, etc. providing the client with an off the grid solution decreasing their dependency on an unreliable and overtaxed grid. GGES has also designed a customized savings analysis that analyzes each client’s facility independently and explains the technology and savings in a simple understandable format. GGES technologies have been approved by major funding entities that provide low-cost financing for its client installations. The two barriers to entry in this marketplace, customer knowledge, and financing, are now eliminated. GGES has developed and is the only company promoting a microgrid design with Commercial Solar being the driving force in the New Jersey marketplace due to the most aggressive incentives offered by the State.
The GGES microgrid design is the most cost-effective combination of products in producing close to or entire net-zero grid operation.
The focus of incorporating this technology is shifted from a hand full of large establishments, which traditional CHP targets, to a large volume of smaller establishments which the micro CHP targets. The installation of 100s – 1000s of small on-site will provide these establishments the ability to produce their own independent energy, lower electric demand on the grid, reduce the risk of power failures, reduce the co2 emissions during peak and non-peak demands, keep these businesses operating during grid failure, protect inventory of refrigerated goods from any grid failure, saving hundreds of thousands of dollars for potentially one power outage.
- Reduce operational and capital expenses
- Increased on-site power reliability – reduced impact of grid power outages.
- Efficient use of natural resources – micro CHP requires less fuel per output than separate refrigerating, heat, and power equipment.
- Enhance “Green” support 90% GREEN - Reduces carbon emissions and saves water.
- Return on your investment (ROI) – average payback is 1-3 years with incentives, cash flow positive day 1
- Provides 24/7 backup to critical refrigeration system in grid failure
- Extends life of hot water heaters and boilers
- Adds value to the building. Analysis shows that the net operating income/savings/capitalization rate of the business will ad in excess of $500,000 to the building's value
LED Lighting
LED lighting reduces facilities lighting electric usage (kWh) by as much as 90%, thereby reducing the facility's baseload requirement. Replacing lighting with LEDs is the first step in Go Green Energy’s microgrid ZEB solution.
Micro CHP
Combined Heat and Power (CHP), also known as Cogeneration, is an efficient and reliable approach to generating electrical and thermal energy from one fuel source. By recovering the waste heat from electricity production and using it in a facility, fuel utilization efficiencies are greatly increased.
Baseload offset
The remaining baseload is calculated by month on an hourly basis. Both operating hours and after hours are analyzed. Depending on the refrigeration tons required to offset the refrigeration load, the remaining KW micro CHP offset is calculated. The remaining peak kWh load is added up for the entire year and is offset by a PV Solar Array.
Solar PV
While the micro CHP is designed to offset base loads, Solar PV array is designed to completely offset the peak loads, making the facility draw zero power from the grid, providing a total zero or near-zero energy building solution.
GGES began in 2012 promoting Commercial Solar and Cogeneration or Combined heat and power (CHP) technology. The savings from the reduced utility bills along with various state and federal incentives provide immediate revenue and clients are in a positive cash flow from the first year after installation. In other words, it cost the clients less money per month after installing the equipment than paying their current utility bills. Along with a “no out-of-pocket expense,” this was a “no-brainer” sales proposal. After dealing with well over 20 conventional funders, GGES has established funding partners to provide low-cost financing for both profit and non-profit companies.